Starting 10-06-2024
Mass of Spirit and Grace 924
Mem. Acclamation: When We Eat This Bread
Opening: 434 Love Divine all loves excelling
Offertory: 681 The Lord is my light
Communion: 808 Magnificat
610 I have loved You
Closing: 218 God, We praise You
Opening: 542 Come, Christians, Join to sing
Offertory: 391 The Summons
Communion: 383 Here I am Lord
574 Seek ye first
Closing: 623 Alleluia raise the Gospel
Opening: 562 For you are my God
Offering: 622 You gather in the outcast
Communion: 727 O how blessed
568 Only a shadow
Closing: 520 We are the light of the world
Opening: 603 They’ll know we are Christians
Offertory: 622 You gather in the outcast
Communion: 420 Ubi Caritas
Closing: 532 O God beyond all praising
Opening: 218 God, We praise You
Offertory: 624 Tend the ground
Communion: 574 Seek ye first
373 Panis Angelicus
Closing: 537 All creatures of our God and King